The will to exist equally has an international law basis
Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Arts and Sciences Academic Staff Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Samaniler, speaking within the context of the 37th anniversary of the establishment of the republic, noted that the will of the Turkish Cypriots to exist on the island as political equals with the Greek Cypriots has ground in international law, and that the Turkish Cypriots should protect this ground.

Reminding that the Turkish Cypriot Community under the British Colonial Administration waged a struggle for social existence, by demonstrating its will to have a say over socio-economic and cultural institutions such as Evkaf land and education, Samani went on to say “The 1960 Cyprus Republic gained the qualification of being an equal political entity in international law. During the inter-communal conflicts of 1963-1974, organizations; "Temporary Turkish Administration," and "Cyprus Turkish Administration," tried to meet economic, social and cultural needs.
15th July coup
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Samani stated that the Turkish Armed Forces carried out operations on 20th July, following the Greek Junta coup d'état on 15thJuly, and that the Autonomous Turkish Cypriot Administration was declared in October 1974.
As stated in the founding declaration of the Autonomous Turkish Cypriot Administration, which was established in February 1975 in order to “create the legal basis of the order that will lead to the establishment of the Federal Republic of Cyprus," Samani noted that although a consensus was reached on a two-sided Federal Cyprus, there was no result from the negotiations that continued until 1983.
Open door
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Samani stated that with the proclamation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on 15th November 1983, as stated in the constitution, there was an open door for the search for a Federal Cyprus, and said that the negotiations continue on this basis until today.
Noting that the struggle of the Turkish Cypriots in relation to political equality rights continues, Samani also drew attention to the importance of strengthening social institutions with policies focused on democracy, human rights, rule of law, social justice and economic welfare