Fine Arts

Without art, the aesthetics of people are missing

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture Academic Staff, Prof. Dr. Vüsal Bagirov stated that the existence of art began with the existence of the universe and human beings, noting that within today’s society, the stages the artist has undergone, and the roles assigned to art vary according to the requirements of the age.

Reminding that the connection between the society and the artist should not be disconnected from the public, Bağırov went on to state, "The reason for this is the effect of the city upon the artist and therefore the appeal of the artist upon both the city and the society in their works."

Explaining that artists reflect the intensity of emotion they experience upon the environment either by drawing or by playing an instrument, Bağırov noted that the aesthetic aspects of people would be lacking in the absence of art.

Bağırov: “Children look to life and the future positively, thanks to art”
Drawing attention to the fact that children look to life and the future positively thanks to art, Bağırov continued, “If we were to consider all of these, 15th April World Art Day is of great importance”.

Recalling that in 1948 they established the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), a formation with 19 countries and 48 associations, Bağırov said with the participation of 18 members and 22 observer countries in 1954, the International Plastic Arts Association (IPAA) was established.

Stating that with the number of member countries rising to 81 countries in 1989 and with Turkey’s leading artists wanting to be a part of IPAA, they came together and formed the International Association of Plastic Arts.

Expressing that Turkish IPAA became a member of the IPAA in 1990, Bağırov stated that in the following years, Bedri Baykam was elected as the President of the Turkish IPAA and during the IPAA General Assembly in 2011, he suggested that 15th April, which is Leonardo da Vinci's birthday, should be celebrated as 'World Art Day'.

Advising that this day was celebrated in Turkey for the first time in 2012, Prof. Dr. Bagirov went on to conclude "In celebrating this day, streets and alleys are adorned with works of art and artistic events are held”.

Expressing that in order to display the value of art and artists to the future generations, the celebration of this day is of great importance, Bağırov celebrated the World Art Day of all artists.