Fine Arts

World Design Day under the effects of the Covid-19 epidemic

Cyprus International University (CIU), Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Graphic Design Academic Staff Assist. Prof. Dr. Gürkan Gökaşan, made a statement within the scope of World Design Day.

Indicating that 27th April, which is the foundation date of the Ico-D International Council of Design, is celebrated as "World Design Day", Gökaşan reminded that as the Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, they are also members of the council.

Emphasizing that during the last two years, graphic design artists have been bestowed with many responsibilities, Assist, Prof. Dr. Gökaşan went on to say, “As it is known, due to the Covid-19 pandemic that has marked the world and occupied the agenda since December 2019, there has been a need for the visual communication skills and aesthetic interpretations of graphic design artists.

Explaining that the themed icons, pictograms, fonts, color codes, illustrations, photo-manipulations, and digital collages of this process have in some way contributed to its institutional identity, Gökaşan stated “this situation at the same time enabled people to be informed about the pandemic in an easy, understandable, and effective manner”.

Stating that during this process, graphic design plays an important role in the graphic designs of the product packaging of domestic production disinfectants and cologne that are needed in the country, Assist. Prof. Dr. Gökaşan noted that following the current world design trends and thinking globally while acting locally, are part of design.

At the end of his statement, emphasizing that it is necessary to give more importance to design education, Gökaşan added that as the CIU Graphic Design Department, they celebrate 27th April World Design Day of all the graphic designers.