The wrong’s we know as right
CIU Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Hatice Sütçü Çiçek stated, in the context of the increase in the number of people infected with the Covid-19 virus, that with the correct implementation of measures that seem very simple, each individual can fulfill their responsibility to themselves, their family and society.

Noting that the most basic practice is to wear a mask in the community and outside of safe personal areas, Çiçek said that it is important to wash hands with soapy water for at least 20 seconds or rub with disinfectant for 20-30 seconds before and after removing the mask.
Masks should be ironed after being washed
Prof. Dr. Çiçek reminded that the mask should definitely cover the nose and mouth, and went on to say, "There should be no gap between the face, the inner surface should not be touched by the hand, and if it is moist and dirty, it should be changed without touching the inner surface, and safely thrown into the trash." Çiçek advised that cloth masks should be washed with water and detergent, hot and dry ironed, and then reused.
Distance, Disinfectant and Hygiene…
Stating that everyone should wash their hands with soap for at least 20 seconds or rub rigorously with cologne or hand disinfectant, Çiçek noted that taking a shower and washing the nose and mouth cavity with plenty of water after coming from outside will reduce the risk of infection.
Stating that it is necessary to stay away from crowded areas as much as possible, and to prefer hours when people are less, Çiçek said, "Procedures should be completed in a short time, disinfectant should be applied to hands at entry and exit, and trial booths should not be used."
Noting that it is very important to keep at least 1 meter distance between individuals, Çiçek advised that people with cold symptoms should be avoided, and close contact such as handshaking and hugging should be avoided.
Indoor locations should be constantly ventilated
Drawing attention to the issue of air conditioning maintenance of workplaces and homes, Çiçek said, “Interior spaces should be ventilated with natural air circulation as much as possible. Touching the surfaces in common living areas such as table tops, door handles and handrails should be avoided, and frequently wiped with surface disinfectants."
Avoid using hand dryers
Çiçek also suggested that the use of communal toilets and hand dryers with hot air should be avoided, and that distributed promotions and brochures should not be taken.
Çiçek said that it is important to prefer the use of contactless debit cards and suggested that distance should be maintained upon public transport vehicles and to not sit face to face.