Asst. Prof. Dr. VURAL YILMAZ
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland Doktora Immunology & Microbiology Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland 2018 (PhD, 2018)
- Uni. of Utrecht Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences (Master, 2012)
- Uni. of Bradford Biomedical Science (Undergraduate, 2010)
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Constantina Neophytou, Savvas Teloni, Maria Koumouri, Marine Stefanutti, Panagiota Gianni, Vural Yilmaz, Katerina Strati, Yiorgos Apidianakis (2025). Aberrant enterocyte progenitor clustering as an early life biomarker of Drosophila aging. iScience, Volume 28, Issue 3, 111967. - 2025
- V. Yilmaz & K Strati (2023). Protocol for in vivo lineage tracing of the mouse-papillomavirus-type 1-infected cells in mice. STAR protocols 4 (1), 101994. - 2023
- Y. Gregoriou, G. Gregoriou, V. Yilmaz, et al. (2023) Photophysical and biological assessment of coumarin-6 loaded polymeric nanoparticles as a cancer imaging agent. Sensors & Diagnostics, Volume 2, Issue 5, Pages 1277-1285 - 2023
- V. Yilmaz, P. Louca, L. Potamiti, M. Panayiotidis, K. Strati (2022). A novel lineage-tracing mouse model for studying early MmuPV1 infections. Elife 11, e72638. - 2022
- E. Charidemou, M.A. Tsiarli, A. Theophanous, V. Yilmaz, C. Pitsouli, K. Strati, J.L. Griffin, A. Kirmizis (2022). Histone acetyltransferase NAA40 modulates acetyl-CoA levels and lipid synthesis. BMC biology 20 (1), 1-18. - 2022
- Y. Gregoriou, G. Gregoriou, V. Yilmaz, K. Kapnisis, M. Prokopi, A. Anayiotos, K. Strati, N. Dietis, A.I. Constantinou, C. Andreou (2021). Resveratrol loaded polymeric micelles for theranostic targeting of breast cancer cells. Nanotheranostics 5 (1), 113. - 2021
- S.P.M. Welten, J. Oderbolz, V. Yilmaz, S.R. Bidgood, V. Gould, J. Mercer, R. Spörri, A. Oxenius. (2021) Influenza-and MCMV-induced memory CD8 T cells control respiratory vaccinia virus infection despite residence in distinct anatomical niches. Mucosal immunology 14 (3), 728-742. - 2021
- V Yilmaz & K Strati (2019). Regulating cellular plasticity to persist: a way for tumor viruses to triumph. Current Opinion in Virology 39, 1-7. - 2019
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- Gregoriou, Y., Vangeli, D., Gregoriou, G., McColman, S., Yilmaz, V., Athanasiou, E., Strati, K., Constantinou, A.I., Cramb, D., Dietis, N., Andreou, C. (2023). Coumarin-6 loaded polymeric nanoparticles: physicochemical characterisation, cancer cellular uptake and in vivo toxicokinetic assessment. - 2023
- Vincent Medasil Award for Achievement in Cellular Pathology. -. Jul 2010. Highest academic score of the year in cellular pathology (2010)
Research Areas
- Immunology
- Microbiology
Administrative Duties
- Head of Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities (2024-ONGOING)