Fen- Edebiyat Fakültesi
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+90 392 671 11 11
Diğer bilgiler
Öz geçmiş
Öğrenim Durumu
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland Doktora Immunology & Microbiology Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland 2018 (Doktora, 2018)
- Uni. of Utrecht Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences (Yüksek Lisans, 2012)
- Uni. of Bradford Biomedical Science (Lisans, 2010)
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
- Gregoriou, Y., Vangeli, D., Gregoriou, G., McColman, S., Yilmaz, V., Athanasiou, E., Strati, K., Constantinou, A.I., Cramb, D., Dietis, N., Andreou, C. (2023). Coumarin-6 loaded polymeric nanoparticles: physicochemical characterisation, cancer cellular uptake and in vivo toxicokinetic assessment. - 2023
Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- V. Yilmaz & K Strati (2023). Protocol for in vivo lineage tracing of the mouse-papillomavirus-type 1-infected cells in mice. STAR protocols 4 (1), 101994. - 2023
- Y. Gregoriou, G. Gregoriou, V. Yilmaz, et al. (2023) Photophysical and biological assessment of coumarin-6 loaded polymeric nanoparticles as a cancer imaging agent. Sensors & Diagnostics, Volume 2, Issue 5, Pages 1277-1285 - 2023
- V. Yilmaz, P. Louca, L. Potamiti, M. Panayiotidis, K. Strati (2022). A novel lineage-tracing mouse model for studying early MmuPV1 infections. Elife 11, e72638. - 2022
- E. Charidemou, M.A. Tsiarli, A. Theophanous, V. Yilmaz, C. Pitsouli, K. Strati, J.L. Griffin, A. Kirmizis (2022). Histone acetyltransferase NAA40 modulates acetyl-CoA levels and lipid synthesis. BMC biology 20 (1), 1-18. - 2022
- Y. Gregoriou, G. Gregoriou, V. Yilmaz, K. Kapnisis, M. Prokopi, A. Anayiotos, K. Strati, N. Dietis, A.I. Constantinou, C. Andreou (2021). Resveratrol loaded polymeric micelles for theranostic targeting of breast cancer cells. Nanotheranostics 5 (1), 113. - 2021
- S.P.M. Welten, J. Oderbolz, V. Yilmaz, S.R. Bidgood, V. Gould, J. Mercer, R. Spörri, A. Oxenius. (2021) Influenza-and MCMV-induced memory CD8 T cells control respiratory vaccinia virus infection despite residence in distinct anatomical niches. Mucosal immunology 14 (3), 728-742. - 2021
- V Yilmaz & K Strati (2019). Regulating cellular plasticity to persist: a way for tumor viruses to triumph. Current Opinion in Virology 39, 1-7. - 2019
- Vincent Medasil Hücresel Patolojide Başarı Ödülü. -. Temmuz 2010. Hücresel patoloji alanında yılın en yüksek akademik puanı (2010)
Çalışma Alanları
- İmmünoloji
- Mikrobiyoloji
İdari Görevler
- Temel ve İnsani Bilimler Bölüm Başkanı (2024-DEVAM EDİYOR)