Şölen Külahçı

Assoc. Prof. Dr. ŞÖLEN KÜLAHÇI

Faculty of Law

Position Acting Dean
Telephone number +90 392 671 11 11
Extension 2354
Office CL113
Other information


  • Ankara University Law (PhD, 2010)
  • EMU Law (Master, 2003)
  • EMU Law (Undergraduate, 2001)

Articles published in National journals

  • Legal Law Regarding Termination of Pregnancy in the Context of Fetus' Right to Life and Women's Reproductive Rights in TRNC Law - 2022
  • Abortion in Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on the Axis of Religion, Biopolitics and Feminism - 2022
  • Evaluation of Regulations Regarding Abortion in the North and South of Cyprus in Terms of Religion and Feminism - 2021
  • Evaluation of the Provisions Regarding the Pedigree of the Child Out of Wedlock in the TRNC Law - 2018
  • Liability of the Administration for Tort Act in TRNC Law - 2017
  • Külahçı, Şölen, Türk Hukukunda ve KKTC Hukuku'nda Evlat Edinme, Nur Centel'e Armağan, Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Hukuk Araştırmaları Dergisi, C. 19 S. 2 Y. 2013, s. 1209-1228. - 2013
  • Serengil, Şölen Külahçı, KKTC'de Hasta Hakları, Serengil, AÜHFD, C.61, S.2, Y. 2012, s.695-709 - 2012
  • Serengil, Şölen Külahçı, 'KKTC Aile Hukuku'nda Yasal Mal Rejimi', AÜHFD, C. 11, S. 2. Y. 2011, s. 69 ' 94. - 2011
  • Serengil, Şölen Külahçı, 'Vakıf Taşınmazların Olağanüstü Zamanaşımı Yoluyla Kazanılması (Türk Hukuku ' KKTC Hukuku Karşılaştırmalı)' AÜHFD, C. 60, S. 3, Y. 2011. - 2011
  • Serengil, Şölen Külahçı, 'Olağanüstü Zamanaşımı Yoluyla Taşınmaz Mülkiyetinin Kazanılması', İÜHFM, C. LXX, S.1-2, Y. 2011, s. 119-143 . - 2011
  • Serengil, Şölen Külahçı, 'KKTC'de Olağanüstü Zamanaşımı Yoluyla Taşınmaz Mülkiyetinin Kazanılması', DEÜHFD, C.11, S. 2, s. 69 -94.
  • Serengil, Şölen Külahçı, KKTC Hukuku'nda Alacağın Zamanaşımın Uğraması, Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi, C.XXVII, S. 4, s. 71-86.

Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings

  • The Problems of the Mechanisms Protecting Women Victims of Violence in the Context of the Protection of Human Rights in the TRNC and Suggestions for Solutions - 2021
  • Law - 2020

Written national books or sections in books

  • Health Law Problems on the agenda in TRNC with Covid 19, Prof. Dr. Vefa Andacı to Saim Üstündağ - 2021
  • An Overview of TRNC Family Law, On the Tenth Anniversary of His Death, Prof. Dr. Gift to Saim Üstündağ - 2021
  • Legal and Legal Issues Caused by Biobanks - 2016

Books and books chapters published nationally

  • TRNC Family Law - 2020
  • TRNC Tort Acts Law - 2020
  • TRNC Health Law - 2017

Papers presented in National conferences and printed as proceedings

  • Külahçı, Şölen, KKTC Hukuku'nda Hekimin Sorumluluğu, Uluslararası Katılımlı Ulusal Tıp Hukuku Kongresi, 2016, İstanbul, 2016 - 2016
  • Külahçı, Şölen, KKKTC'de Sağlığa Eşit Erişim Hakkı, TTB - KTTB Uluslararası Sağlık Hukuku Sempozyumu, s. 209-217, Ankara, 2015. - 2015
  • Külahçı, Şölen, KKTC Hukukunda Hekimin Sorumluluğu, Lefke Avrupa Üniversitesi V. Sağlık Hakkı ve Sağlık Hukuku Sempozyumu,s. 93-98, Ankara, 2014. - 2014
  • Külahçı, Şölen, Sağlık Hizmetlerinden Zarar Gören Hastanın Dava Hakkı, Lefke Avrupa Üniversitesi IV. Sağlık Hakkı ve Sağlık Hukuku Sempozyumu, s. 1-8, Ankara, 2013. - 2013
  • Serengil, Şölen Külahçı, 'KKTC'de Turist Sağlığının Korunması ve Turist Sigortası' Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti Lefke Avrupa Üniversitesi III. Sağlık Hakkı ve Sağlık Hukuku Sempozyumu, s. 21 -32, Ankara 2012. - 2012

Other Publications

  • Külahçı, Şölen, KKTC Sağlık Hukuku, 2016, İstanbul - 2016
  • Serengil, Şölen Külahçı, KKTC Hukuku'nda Borcun Zamanaşımına Uğraması, KKTC Mağusa Barosu Dergisi, S. 1, Y. 2011. - 2011
  • Serengil, Şölen Külahçı, Sağlık Hizmetlerinden Zarar Gören Hastanın Dava Hakkı, Kıbrıs Gazetesi, 19 Eylül 2010. - 2010
Thesis Supervision

Master Thesis Supervised

  • Disability Rights in Public Health Services - 2023
  • Kpanquoi, Annette Kou, Children’s Court Testimony (Children’s Performance In The Courtroom: What Effect Does The Courtroom Have On Accuracy / Childeren’s Testimony And Their Perceptions of Stree In and Our Of Courtroom), UKÜ, 2023. - 2023
  • Kouame, Attowola Iwanou Yves Pascal, Theh Involment Of The Umited Nations In The Protection Of Civilians Against Terrorism In Sum-Saharan Africa, UKÜ, 2023. - 2023
  • Osuwa, Emmanuel Uchechukwu, Cloning (With Ethical Problems and Legal Implications), UKÜ, 2023. - 2023
  • Special Cases of Consent to Medical Intervention in TRNC Law - 2022
  • Limits of the Physician's Right to Choose a Patient - 2022
  • Abortion and Miscarriage in Turkish and TRNC Law - 2021
  • Right to Health of Prisoners and Detainees within the Framework of ECHR Decisions - 2020
  • Custody Right (Comparison of Turkish Law and TRNC Law) - 2020
  • Protection of Women and Children from Domestic Violence in TR and TRNC - 2019
  • Subject and Scope of Property Rights in Terms of Turkish Law and TRNC Law ​ - 2019
  • Administrative Law Enforcement and Powers - 2019
  • Gürler, Emir Ali, KKTC Hukuku'nda Tıbbi Müdahalenin Hukuka Uygunluğu, 2016 - 2016

Doctorate Thesis Supervised

  • Procedure for Making a Contract and Trial by Using Pressure and Influence in Turkish Law and TRNC Law - 2023
  • Fetus's Right to Life (Turkish Law - TRNC Law Comparative) - 2022
  • Biyobankaların Etik ve Hukuki Boyutu, İstanbul, 2016
Research Areas
  • Law