Arts and Sciences

111th issue of Folklore/Literature Journal is out

The 111th  issue of the Folklore/Literature Journal has been published which is included in the Web of Science directory that only accepts journals of scientific quality that meets world standards for inclusion after a long process of reviewing and evaluation. The 111th  issue of the journal is comprised of  14 research articles,  a collection of articles, the  translation of an important English article, and several book reviews.

The editor of the journal and the Dean of the CIU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Prof. Dr. Metin Karadağ expressed his joy and happiness upon the publication of  the new issue of the journal which has been published continuously since 1994, and also its acceptance for inclusion in Clarivate Web of Science after long reviews and evaluations.

Prof. Dr. Metin Karadağ  noted that the Folklore/Literature Journal is the only one on the island included the ESCI index (Emerging Sources Citation Index) and added it is one of the three journals published in Turkish in the field of folklore.  Karadağ noted that the journal with this new identity will provide new opportunities in terms of international expansion and prestige.

Prof. Dr. Karadağ stated that they made an agreement upon the proposal of CNKI, one of the largest scientific databases of China in the world, and drew attention to the fact that they have taken an important step in terms of recognition.

Karadağ stated that it is difficult to publish high quality and high-level academic periodicals since this is a complex task that requires constant work and effort.

Stating that they are happy to present the publications of scientists to the whole world through their journal which is included in prestigious directories of the scientific world such as Scopus and ULAKBİM TR-Dizin, Karadağ said, "We hereby  express our indebtedness and gratitude to our editors and authors, and especially to our referees."