
21st December 1963 is the date of the Turkish Cypriots' struggle for existence

CIU Faculty of Education academic staff Assist. Prof. Dr. Yurdal Cihangir, speaking within the scope of the National Struggle and Martyrs' Week, stated, "21st December 1963 is the beginning of the process of the Turkish Cypriot community, of their persistence, devotion to their land, their love when their blood spilled and their lives matured".

Reminding that in order to gain their full freedom, nations have been fighting long and hard struggles, Cihangir went on to say, "At the expense of their lives and their blood, with the power they created from nothing, the Turkish Cypriots knew how to resist modern weapons with great faith, they knew how to persevere, they considered death sacred”.

Explaining that the Republic of Cyprus was established with the 1960 London and Zurich Agreements, Assist. Prof. Dr. Cihangir continued, "However, the Greek Cypriots saw and evaluated these agreements as a springboard in the enabling of an easy transition to Enosis."

Drawing attention to the fact that the Greek Cypriots wanted to realize their Megalo Ideas and put the Akritas Plan into action as soon as possible, Cihangir went on to state, “They took action on the 21st December 1963. They started attacks with all of their might against the Turks everywhere”.

Cihangir explained that their aim was to eliminate the Turkish Cypriot Community in a short amount of time, adding that the Turkish Cypriot community recovered against the sudden Greek Cypriot attacks very soon, and went in to the position of defense.

Pointing out that the Turkish Cypriot community maintained this situation with selfless resistance for 11 years, Cihangir elaborated, "During these years where they were faced with extinction, thanks to TMT, the Turkish Cypriot Community was able to continue without losing thir existence and freedom".

Expressing that during these decades of struggle, the Turkish Cypriot community had continued to exist in poverty and unarmed, until the 1974 Peace Operation, and reminded that as a result of this struggle, he is now able to live freely on the lands of his own country.