Agricultural Sciences

Agricultural Sciences students study strawberry fields

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies undergraduate students made a technical trip to the Yeşilırmak Region.
Dean of CIU Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies Prof. Dr. Ahsen Işık Özgüven stated that the Yeşilırmak region is one of the extremely important regions for agriculture on the island of Cyprus and reminded that strawberry cultivation is especially carried out in this area.
Özgüven noted that in addition to growing strawberries, various vegetables are also grown in the region, and added: "Recently, due to the suitable ecology in the region, more importance has begun to be attached to the cultivation of subtropical and tropical plants.”
Prof. Dr. Özgüven made the technical trip with Dr Ayşen Bulancak, one of the faculty members in the Department. Pointing out that they organized it together, he stated that within the scope of the trip, undergraduate students not only made on-site examinations but were also informed about subjects such as greenhouse strawberry cultivation in hydroponic culture, strawberry cultivation in the open field, banana cultivation in greenhouses, and some subtropical plant cultivation. 
Stating that the students had the chance to meet especially with the producers during the trip, Özgüven said, "The producers shared their knowledge and experiences with our students, ensuring that the knowledge they learned theoretically was reinforced in practice."
In his speech, Özgüven also pointed out that there are students from many different countries within the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, and added that thanks to this trip,  the students had the opportunity to get to know different cities in North Cyprus in addition to the agricultural knowledge they acquired.