
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Arts and Sciences Academic Staff Assist. Prof. Dr. Çağatay Erten stated that children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), may encounter more problems than other children and made recommendations with relation to returning to school after a long period of time away.

Erten explained that ADHD is a biological problem that makes it difficult for many children to sit quietly and focus within the classroom, and reminded that the focus among these children develops slowly and less effectively. Stating that lack of focus has some consequences, Erten noted that for this reason, when compared to their peers, these children face slightly more social problems.

Informing that when people hear the term ADHD, they tend to think of “excessive activity” or being “out of control”, Assist. Prof. Dr. Erten, continued to say “If the child does not display these symptoms, then the diagnosis of ADHD can be made more easily. However, in the absence of hyperactivity, diagnosis is often difficult, thus, in order for the correct diagnosis to be made, consulting a specialist is necessary”.

Advising that children cannot overcome ADHD by themselves, Erten went on to state, “Viewing these children as naughty or lazy is incorrect. There are a number of strategies and treatment options (medical, therapeutic, behavioral therapies, cognitive therapies, etc.) in dealing with the symptoms. However, the best thing to do is to consult a child psychiatrist or clinic”.

Informing that there are 3 different types of ADHD, Erten elaborated, “In some children, extreme activity is observed, and they constantly feel the need to be active, additionally, they also struggle with impulse control issues”.

Erten noted that some children struggle to maintain their attention, however, that in this group of children, extreme activity or impulsiveness is not obvious and for this reason, it can be missed.

Explaining that the most common yet difficult type is the combination type, Erten advised that the children in this type displayed all the symptoms mentioned above.

Underlining the fact that ADHD is one of the most common childhood problems with relation to the brain, Erten stated, “According to some authorities, it is observed in 5% of children, while according to some authorities, this number is 11%”.

Advising that children with ADHD require professional help, Erten added to his statement that specialists can support by providing options for improvement and helpful strategies in dealing with the symptoms to the parents and teachers of children with ADHD.