
The CIU Faculty of Engineering is ready for the 2021-2022 Academic Year

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Engineering, which is accredited by the Engineering Education Programs Evaluation and Accreditation Association (MÜDEK) and holds the label of the European Accredited Engineer Label EUR-ACE, will continue to be the address of quality education during the 2021-2022 academic year.

Reminding that the Computer Engineering, Electric-Electronic Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and the Civil Engineering Programs within the faculty are accredited by MÜDEK, CIU Faculty of Engineering Dean Prof. Dr. Derviş Zihni Deniz went on to state, “As well as this, our Computer Engineering programs are membership holders of Oracle Academy and Microsoft Imagine Academy”.

Drawing attention to the fact that there are in total 16 undergraduate programs within the faculty, Deniz continued “These are the Computer Engineering Program, Information Systems Engineering Program, Artificial Intelligence Engineering Program, Software Engineering Program, Biomedical Engineering Program, Bioengineering Program, Medical Engineering Program, Electric-Electronic Engineering Program, Mechatronic Engineering Program, Industrial Engineering Program, Business Engineering Program, Environmental Engineering Program, Civil Engineering Program, Energy Systems Engineering Program, Mechanical Engineering Program, as well as the Petrol and Natural Gases Engineering Program”.

Conveying that with their experienced academic team, and extremely advanced laboratories when compared to local universities, and with their contemporary undergraduate and graduate programs, they have a good infrastructure that will enable students to learn, Prof. Dr. Deniz continued, “Our courses are carried out in the fully equipped Science and Technology Building classrooms”.

Stating that the faculty language of education is English, Deniz advised that only the Civil and Electric-Electronic programs are provided in Turkish also.

Advising that they have 18 different laboratories in the Science and Technology Building, Deniz added that at the same time, with the new Engineering Laboratory Building where the Mechanical Engineering Workshops take place, they present a wide infrastructure in terms of application.

Explaining that in terms of career, students graduating from the Faculty of Engineering have a wide area of opportunities, Prof. Dr. Deniz concluded, “Aside to progressing academically, our students are trained to contribute to the needs of our time and to shape the future, from R&D areas, management and innovation areas, and production to service systems, in the national and international sectors.