
CIU Faculty of Law is ready for the new academic year

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Law is ready for the 2021-2022 Academic year, with its updated curriculum. In an effort to prepare for the "legal profession entrance exam", which is participated in by students who graduate from the Faculty of Law, it is planned to include exam preparation courses for this examination within the curriculum, starting from the 2021-2022 Academic Year, which is a first in Turkey and the TRNC, among the Faculties of Law.

CIU Faculty of Law Dean, Prof. Dr. Hasan Tunç stated, “Our goal is to raise graduates, who obtain the knowledge, skills, and characteristics required by the science of law, who have advanced verbal skills, can think creatively, critically, and scientifically, able to use information and communication technologies, can communicate effectively with their environment, are entrepreneurs and problem solvers, are responsible, respectful to different opinions, who constantly follow the innovations and developments in the field of law, and who enjoy reading and learning.

Stating that they want to train individuals who can integrate legal knowledge with technological developments, while they are achieving their goals, Tunç went on to state, "Our priority lays within producing graduates who have the ability to use technological knowledge parallel with legal knowledge."

Stating that they carried out hypothetical court practices in their virtual courtrooms, in order to enable the students to apply the theoretical knowledge they learned and put it into practice, Prof. Dr. Tunç noted that in this way, by taking on various roles such as defendant, plaintiff, judge, and prosecutor, they prepared themselves for the profession.

Sharing the information that during each academic semester, the CIU Faculty of Law organizes symposiums for the students, Tunç went on to advise, “We are the only Faculty of Law in the TRNC, and one of two faculties in Turkey, to give the students the opportunity to present their own research. We also take pride in being the only Faculty of Law from the TRNC that participates in the Young Criminal Lawyers Congress, again, which gives young lawyers the opportunity to present their research.

Talking in relation to employment opportunities for the Faculty of Law graduates, Tunç concluded, “In this context, while being able to be at the forefront of the judiciary field, with a variety of roles such as lawyers, judges, and prosecutors, they can also take part in various fields such as being a notary, trademark - patent attorney, banker, and academician. For those of our graduates who wish to specialize in various areas or wish to become an academician, may continue with their life of education with our variety of master’s and doctorate programs”.