
CIU students’ creative hair and make-up designs

Students in the Hair Care and Beauty Services associate degree program of Cyprus International University (CIU) displayed their creations at the “Mesh Bun and Bridal Makeup Exhibition” which took place in the CIU Nature Cafe pine area.

CIU Hair Care and Beauty Services Program Chair Assist. Prof. Dr. Vali Gjinali noted that the students took two different courses on bun design and makeup application techniques, and the exhibition in question was organized within the scope of these courses.

Drawing attention to the importance of students’ exhibiting the techniques and practices they have learned during the semester at the end of the academic term, Gjinali said, “It is very valuable for both our students and us that the works designed by the students as their graduation project are appreciated by the audience.”

Fatma Öksüz Gjinali, lecturer in the Hair Care and Beauty Services program gave information about the works students created, and said, “Within the scope of the temporary shaping of the hair, mesh buns are made, but most of the time, styling using mesh is not practiced. The main purpose of using the mesh is mostly to prevent the hair from falling apart.”

Gjinali also stated that they wanted to improve the production of mesh buns and said, “We have added a new dimension to this work. We wanted to create more innovative, more original designs by making some futuristic designs,” and added, “in order to both increase the visual weight and make sure it complements the bridal make-up, we thought of coordinating the bridal hair and make-up.” 

Gjinali pointed out that in the Hair Care and Beauty Services associate degree program, they always work towards creating new trends which ensures their graduates start their careers one step ahead.