
CIU “Summer Swim School”

A large number of pupils participated in the “Summer Swim School” organized in June and July by Cyprus International University (CIU) Sports Affairs Directorate. 15 kindergarten and nursery schools from different cities in the country signed up for the swimming courses that took place at CIU Arena.

120 pupils from 3 kindergartens and nursery schools who participated in the first leg of  the swimming lessons received their certificates at the ceremony held to honor them.  Pupils from 12 schools consisting of different  age groups will continue taking swimming lessons throughout the month of August.
CIU Arena Swimming Instructor Meliha Kaya stated that their motto has been to offer the most hygienic pool, the cleanest environment and the best training: “We take care of our students without sacrificing quality. They are our most valuable assets, they have the right to receive the best education in the healthiest environment.”

Kaya pointed out that these pupils have the chance to spend their holidays doing sports while receiving quality educational training, and also added that they get the chance to socialize with their friends during the summer months.

Noting that the courses were held in June, July and August of 2023, Kaya said, “The courses were organized for the trainees who took a minimum of 8 courses. She also said that especially children and adults who do not know how to swim or who want to improve their swimming techniques attend the courses.

Kaya noted that the groups consist of  8-10 people, and said, "We take care to keep the number low, as it is important for us that our trainees feel safe and have an enjoyable lesson."

Underlining that swimming is a very beneficial and suitable sport for all age groups, Kaya said, “Swimming is recommended as a treatment for persons with herniated disc or cervical disc herniation problems, scoliosis  and back disorders.

Stating that the CIU Arena swimming courses are not limited to the summer months, Kaya said, “For 12 months, all age groups between 4 and 60 are given swimming lessons by expert trainers. As of September, our winter swimming lessons will resume and will be organized based on the course schedule of the children.