Agricultural Sciences

Global warming is being felt in every area

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology Dean, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Baktır, stating that the effects of global warming is being observed in every area, went on to state, “Today, even countries that do not experience water problems are feeling the problem of drought”.

Advising that more than 75% of the existing fresh water sources are used for agriculture and farming, Baktır explained that at this point in time, countries where the yearly rainfall is sufficient and its distribution throughout the year is regular, are not experiencing drought, however that they could experience it in the near future.

Drawing attention to the fact that countries such as the TRNC and Turkey experience frequent water shortages, Prof. Dr. Baktır added that the dimensions of lack of water are increasing on a daily basis.

Explaining that the ecological balance is damaged at a fast rate, Baktır continued, “The world population is increasing day-by-day. Existing water resources are becoming insufficient in meeting the needs. For this reason, the lack of water will knock on everyone’s door in the near future”.

Pointing to the fact that the struggle with drought is important, Baktır went on to advise, “Wherever we may live and in whatever conditions we may live in, the basic conditions in the struggle with drought are education and infrastructure”.

Pointing to the necessity of using domestic water in the most effective and economic way, Baktır said, “It is important that the infrastructures, especially the water distribution networks ensure that there are no water leaks. In our country, this is experienced exceedingly. In addition, it should become state policy to collect even irregular rainfall in certain ponds and dams. Cultivation of drought-resistant plants should be made essential”.

Reminding that in the Mediterranean countries where land and forest fires have become somewhat their fate, it is necessary to prevent or reduce them as much as possible, Dean Baktır stated that in recent days, land and maquis shrublands are frequently burned in the TRNC.

Adding that it is not that difficult to prevent fires, Baktır concluded, “The most efficient fire prevention methods is to cut roadside grass before they dry, for fire resistant trees to be planted on the roadsides, and for these trees to also be planted at the edges of fields, at certain spaces, and in internal areas in rows of two”