
Goodbye to the Class of 2023

More than 1500 students experienced the joy of graduation at the Cyprus International University (CIU) 2022-2023 Spring Semester Graduation Ceremony. 

The ceremony held at the CIU Performance Arts Center was attended by His Excellency President Ersin Tatar, TRNC Speaker of the Assembly Zorlu Töre, the Ambassador of the Turkish Republic to Lefkosa His Excellency Prof. Dr. Metin Fevzioğlu, Chairman of the TRNC Higher Education Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation and Coordination Council Prof. Dr. Turgay Avcı, CIU Leadership, academics, students and their families. 
Faculty valedictorians Gülcan Usbahali and Samuel Oluwanifesi delivered their speeches on behalf of Class of 2023 which was followed by the symbolic tree planting ceremony. 

President Tatar wished success to the graduates and said, “You receive these diplomas to serve humanity. You will contribute to the growth and  development of your countries.” In his speech, Tatar congratulated the faculty members for their leadership, and stated that thanks to the university's outstanding investments as well as the faculty members who are experts in their respective fields,  the graduates are ready to embark on the journey that lies ahead. 

In his speech, Speaker of the Assembly Töre stated that CIU is one of the name brand universities in the TRNC and said, " thanks to all the  works it has indulged in in both scientific and academic fields, CIU will certainly achieve even greater success in the future." Addressing the graduate students in his speech, Töre said, “You will always have to move forward to achieve your goals. Just like heroes who move forward to attain their goals, so will you on the path you know is right. You will work to reach your objectives.” 

The Ambassador of the Turkish Republic to Lefkosa His Excellency Fevzioğlu addressed the graduating students and said, “Dear friends, always be polite. Be polite to yourself, toward others, the world and the rest will follow. Wishing that brighter opportunities come your way and you achieve success in all of them!”

Chairman of the TRNC Higher Education Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation and Coordination Council Prof. Dr. Turgay Avcı congratulated the graduants by saying, “You have all the right to feel proud of yourselves, and your parents, they shed a small tear but smile with pride at your graduation.” Avcı talked about the rough days they all had to go through during the Covid-19 pandemic and also how much they suffered after the earthquake. Avcı said the students were able to cope with the difficulties of these rough times and now are the proud graduates of their respective departments  thanks to the support they have received from the academic staff and also the university administration. 

CIU Rector Nadiri stated at the ceremony that CIU has been at the service  of higher education for 26 years, and has so far graduated 25 thousand students. CIU continues to grow without sacrificing quality and always follows an innovative perspective. 

Congratulating the graduates, Nadiri said, “In line with the quality outputs of our university, you have become individuals who are open to life-long learning, and you have gained the skills needed in your respective fields, gifted with the powers to think critically, creatively and analytically, keep up with the ever-changing technology, have a developed team spirit, and respect ethical values for the good of your environment and country. It is now time for us to bid you farewell.”

Following the speeches, the Levent Schools Ballet Group performed a show for the graduating students and their families. 

After the top graduates were given their awards, a total of 1347 graduates received their diplomas. Following the cap throwing ceremony and fireworks show, the ceremony ended with a DJ party.