The importance of physiotherapy in the COVID-19 process
Head of the CIU Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Asst. Prof. Dr. Özge Özalp spoke on September 8th, World Physiotherapy Day.

Chair of the Cyprus International University (CIU) Department Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Asst. Prof. Dr. Özge Özalp spoke on September 8th, the World Physiotherapy Day, and noted that due to COVID-19, physiotherapy and rehabilitation gained more importance. Furthermore, she elaborated on the importance of physiotherapy practices and physiotherapists due to the loss of movement, decrease in functionality, and negative changes in the respiratory system of many patients who are trying to hold on to life by receiving treatment in the hospital for a long time due to the COVID-19 pandemic which has affected the whole world.
Özalp pointed out that physiotherapists have important contributions in the recovery of patients as healthcare professionals who form and apply the treatment plan with the principles of physiotherapy-specific measurement and evaluation in cases of illness, disability, and injury, all kinds of movement and dysfunction diagnosis, and mentioned that with the joint decision of professional associations, World Physiotherapy Day is celebrated every year since 1996 on September 8th.
Around 250 physiotherapists
Asst. Prof. Dr. Özalp mentioned that the physiotherapy profession and World Physiotherapy Day are celebrated every year with various activities and themes in terms of communicating and reaching out to the public throughout the world and that the first structuring related to the profession in Northern Cyprus was formulated in 1979 as Cyprus Turkish Physiotherapists Association, which has around 250 members today, reached to the public by contributing to the professional development of physiotherapists with scientific activities and increasing professional awareness.
At the end of his speech, Asst. Prof. Dr. Özge Özalp, Head of CIU Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation also celebrated the World Physiotherapy Day of all physiotherapists who increase the life quality of individuals of all ages with their contributions.