Agricultural Sciences

Input costs increase when Greenhouse owners take the necessary precautions against night frost

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies Dean Prof. Dr. İbrahim Baktır, stating that we experience the coldest time during the month of January that we are currently in, expressed that during such cold days, farmers should be very careful in undercover cultivation, which is called greenhouse cultivation, especially during the nights.

Baktır explained that in Cyprus, almost none of the greenhouses have a heating system, and went on to say, “If the night temperatures fall below -3 °C for a long period of time within unheated greenhouses, the damages of frost will be seen. A majority of the plants will not be in production”.

Pointing to the fact that in greenhouse cultivation, the types and varieties have different resistances to the cold, Prof. Dr. Baktır continued, “Whatever the case, greenhouse owners taking the necessary precautions during these days will be beneficial”.

Advising that especially after 12.00 at night, the weather is extremely cold, Baktır expressed that it is for this reason that producers need to protect their products from frost.

Drawing attention to the fact that in greenhouse cultivation, heating is done for two reasons, Baktır elaborated, “The first reason is to protect the plants from frost, and the second reason is to obtain high-quality yield”.

When it comes to the second type of heating, underlining the fact that the night temperature inside the greenhouse should not fall below 16 °C, Baktır added that under the current circumstances, these heating costs are also quite high, accounting for more than 50% of all inputs.

Speaking in relation to heating in order to protect the plants from freezing, Baktır explained that this form of heating is done by setting up basic heaters within the greenhouse.

Baktır reminded that the heating preparations should begin prior to the freezing period begins, and went on to note, “It is important that an early warning system is available within the greenhouses. Heating must be provided the moment the system gives a warning”.

Last of all, Baktır highlighted that the construction and materials utilized within the cover should be of good quality, and concluded, “At the beginning, the cost of the greenhouse may be expensive, however, a very good greenhouse will pay for itself within two-to-three years. As in every business, in greenhouse cultivation also, it is essential to do the best and grow the most suitable plants in consideration of the market”.