
Medication used in the treatment of COVİD-19 should be used under the observation of an expert

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Pharmacy Dean Prof. Dr. Yasemin Yazan, stating that the COVID-19 epidemic, which is being experienced across the world, has become the reason for the international drugs sector, academic centers and official authorities having turned all of their attentions to this area, added that the research on this subject and the drug development efforts have become a total competition.

Explaining that to date, the scientific studies that continue across the world have not been able to conclude with a drug that has been developed with a small amount of side effects, Yazan advised that at the same time, a fully effective drug for COVID-19 has not been discovered yet.

Yazan noted that only upon this subject, the research has now been completed and the determination of drug efficacy has been emphasized, and expressed that in actual fact the most important thing is for the global distribution capacity to be increased and to ensure that the drug reaches the patients equally, for cheap, and sustainably.

Reminding that across the world, people from developing countries or people with low incomes do not have the ability to purchase drugs, Yazan noted that the main goal of health organizations is to ensure that the developed drugs reach people in need.

Mentioning that according to the 8th report published by the World Health Organization on the 14th January 2022, 2 new drugs have been recommended in addition to the other existing drugs, Yazan went on to state, “The first of these drugs, 'baricitinib', is recommended for patients with severe or critical COVID-19. In the treatment of COVID-19, Baricitinib is an oral drug which is in the class of drugs that suppress the overstimulation of the immune system, given together with corticosteroids.

Explaining that the second drug is sotrovimab, which is conditionally recommended by WHO and is a monoclonal antibody, Yazan elaborated, “The condition posed is that this drug should be administered to patients with mild or moderate COVID-19, but have a high risk of hospitalization. Counted within this group are the elderly, and individuals with existing diseases such as immune system failure, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.

Yazan explained that these two drugs were used in 7 separate clinical trials, and shared the information that "Following the trials of the drug across more than 4000 patients who had non-serious, serious, and critical COVID-19, its effectiveness was found to be superior."

Noting that within the European Union (EU) countries, 7 other drugs have been approved for use, Dean Yazan stated that each of these drugs contain active ingredients such as anakinra, ritonavir, regdanvimab, tocilizumab, kasirivimab / mdevimab, remdesivir and sotrovima, all of which have passed clinical trials and whose efficacy and safety have been approved.

Drawing attention to the fact that awaiting approval are 2 more drugs that have been submitted to the EU official, Yazan added that the drugs that contain molnupiravir and baricitinib have not yet completed the approval process.

In her statement, Yazan advised that when it comes to treating COVID-19, patients should never try to treat themselves, and regardless as to whether they feel the benefits, that they should not use any drugs without the advice of a specialist, including antibiotics.