
Pharmacists are protecting millions across the globe

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aslan, dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Cyprus International University (CIU), said that pharmacists all over the world have a great responsibility to protect and improve human health, and noted that the health of millions of people is protected and their quality of life is increased thanks to the meticulous work of pharmacists who are the most easily accessible health consultants.

Prof. Dr. Aslan said that September 25 was determined by a decision taken upon the suggestion of the Turkish Delegation during the 69th World Pharmacy Congress organized by  the International Pharmacy Federation (FIP) and hosted by the Turkish Pharmacists’ Association, and added, “September 25 has been celebrated as World Pharmacy Day every year since 2010.”

Aslan pointed out that the pharmacy profession, which is one of the cornerstones of today's health sector, began to be celebrated in order to draw attention to its indispensable role in human health, and underlined that in this regarde it also contributes to professional development of the pharmacists.

Aslan also stated that the importance of pharmacists, who actively work in protecting public health thanks to the pharmaceutical care they provide to patients by not only supplying their drug needs  but also by providing consultancy services. It has been realized once again especially during the pandemic that “Pharmacists took an active role in the fight against this epidemic by providing uninterrupted service all over the world.”

Aslan also gave some advice to patients within the scope of World Pharmacy Day. He asked the patients  not to forget to inform their pharmacist or doctor about any other medications they use or if they have a complaint while taking the prescribed medications.

Aslan also stated that it is important to use the medicines exactly as directed and on time, and added that if the medicines are not used correctly, they may lose their therapeutic properties.

Aslan also emphasized that medicines should not be purchased online or from unauthorized dealers, and reminded that, “You can never know where or under what conditions the medicines sold at places other than pharmacies were produced or what is in them.”

To conclude, Aslan celebrated the ‘World Pharmacists Day’ of all pharmacists who selflessly serve the public by prioritizing science and undertaking the extremely sacred duty of protecting human health.