
The sector recognizes the achievements of CIU students

Senior year students in Department of Public Relations and Advertising of Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Communication, presented their graduation projects to the leading representatives of the sector within the scope of the Media Planning course.

Course coordinator Assist. Prof. Dr. Galip E. Erdil stated that every year graduating students share the product advertisement texts and media visuals they produce in their classes with experts in the sector and ask them to evaluate their work. This way we get the chance to 
make it possible for our students to get in touch with industry representatives, and as such we learn whether student projects meet the demands of the industry."

Noting that the evaluation juries were held on three different days, Erdil said, "The first day's evaluations were made by 990 Media Director Eren Meral, the second day's works by Temel Üngör, the Art Director of Advertising Room, and on the last day by Emmanuel Ikenna, the Advertising Coordinator of Tanman Advertising agency."

Erdil stated that the students shared their presentations with the members of the jury regarding the product advertisement texts and media images which they had prepared with  the target audience in mind for the most appropriate media platforms, and added that the projects were evaluated and graded after the presentations.

Erdil noted that these evaluations are very valuable and great assets for the portfolios of the students. The students therefore have the chance to start their careers one step ahead by showing the projects they prepared within the scope of this course in their job applications.

Erdil emphasized that as the CIU Department of Public Relations and Advertising, they attach great importance to relations with the sector, and reminded that the students thus have the opportunity to closely observe the business environment thanks to these visits organized during the semester.