
Sustainability starts with healthy bee colonies

Assist.Prof. Dr. Erkay Özgör, the Director of the Cyprus Bee and Bee Products Research Center (CBPRC) of Cyprus International University (CIU), has had some recommendations on how to maintain healthy bee colonies

Cyprus International University (CIU), Cyprus Bee and Bee Products Research Center (CBPRC) Director Assist.Prof. Dr. Erkay Özgör said the Center works on bees, beekeeping, and bee products. Dr. Özgör talked about “Developing healthy bee colonies” in order to ensure sustainable biodiversity.

Dr. Özgör, a Biologist as well as a Bee Specialist, said the honey bee is a valuable creature for the pollination of many plants  and for the production of honey and other bee products. He stated that beekeeping is an integral part of global agriculture adding the mild climate and the rich flora of Cyprus makes the island very convenient for beekeeping.  

Assist. Prof. Dr. Erkay Özgör also emphasized that in order to continue to improve beekeeping  and supply the market with reliable bee products, basic and correct beekeeping activities should be carried out. For that matter, he said, bee colonies should be well cared for.

Özgör also gave information about what needs to be done during this process. “It is advisable to use the young fertile queen bee capable of laying eggs almost constantly. Furthermore, it is essential to work with the most suitable and the most productive Cyprus bee or the hybrid race of the Cyprus bee.”

Biologist Özgör said that to help the bees maintain their strength when entering the nectar period, at least 4 or 5 beehive frames should be used. Özgör also added that in order to prevent the colony from producing swarms, it is essential to observe closely the development of the bee colony in the hive.

Özgör also added that beehives should be checked more frequently, and to enable the bee to move freely and store more honey, it could be necessary to add a layer of honeycomb into the hive.  He also said in order to maintain a healthy ecosystem around the beehives, plants with the most nectar should be planted, adding that the bee should feed the colony with their own nectar and pollen. 

Assist.Prof. Dr. Erkay Özgör mentioned that improvement projects are not enough but the beehives should be protected against the harmful effects of pests and diseases, adding the location of apiary should be carefully chosen. Özgör emphasized that the hives should be located away from harmful areas but instead close to clean water and to nectar plants.

Özgör also explained that in momentary controls, it is essential to be very particular about cleanliness, to prevent mold accumulation and the deterioration of honey and pollen. For these reasons, the hives must be located away from humid areas.

Özgör suggested that in spring and fall, all the hives and the equipment should be thoroughly cleaned and no chemicals should be used in this process. Antibiotics are definitely prohibited from being used as they damage the intestinal system of the bees leaving residues in honey. He said many studies have proven that antibiotics are not bee-friendly products.