
Use of time and recreation during the pandemic

Cyprus International University (CIU) School of Physical Education and Sports, Department of Recreation Head Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Selman Özdemir, stating that rapidly developing technology creates great changes within the lives of humans, he elaborated "Using time effectively and efficiently, using it positively and enjoying time has become the prerequisite of the knowledge and innovation age we are in".

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Stating that the pandemic process has reminded people of the importance of using their time correctly and effectively, Özdemir went on to say, “This process has revealed the importance of being a hobbyist, positively evaluating your free time, having an amateur occupation, in short, the importance of recreation and evaluating free time has become forefront”.

Pointing out the importance of the ability of individuals being able to enjoy their leisure time and evaluate their time wisely with an occupation that they like and freely choose, Assist. Prof. Dr. Özdemir noted that such activities help the person to empty their mind and relax, allowing them to regenerate more quickly.

“Recreation is the concept of mind, soul and body regeneration as a whole”
Expressing that activities such as physical, social, cultural, artistic, sports and volunteer-related performed during the leisure time are expressed with the concept of recreation, Özdemir advised, “This term means regeneration or improvement. Recreation is based on the concept of regeneration of the whole mind, soul and body”.

Reminding that the activities that one can carry out are shaped in line with the individual’s interests, tastes, skills, equipment, personalities and budget, Assist. Prof. Dr. Özdemir stated, "However, it should not be forgotten that acquiring a hobby, maintaining a leisure activity regularly or having an amateur occupation is more of a matter of education and culture than budgeting."

As the CIU School of Physical Education and Sport, Department of Recreation, Özdemir advised they initiated a project in an effort to increase the motivation of individuals in protecting their physical and mental health, and to ensure that they spend quality time, and went on to say: “In order to bring you together with a world full of recreation, we have compiled a list of virtual resources that offer Covid-19 friendly recreational activities on many topics, from exercises that can be done at home and at work to virtual tours, from movie selection to distance learning. You can access these resources via the links below”.……