
When it comes to obesity nutrition treatment, faulty diets should be paid attention to

Cyprus International University (CIU), Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Academic Staff Prof. Dr. Seyit Mehmet Mercanlıgil, stating that in the treatment of obesity, the most important step is in the treatment of nutrition, he also stated, “However, the nutritional program should be organized in accordance to the individuals' blood pressure, blood cholesterol, lipids, triglyceride, uric acid, glucose, and any illnesses”.

Stating that it is important that the obesity nutrition program be prepared in a way that will not disrupt the tastes of the individual, that is appropriate for their socioeconomic situation, adapted to their lifestyle, and that will change their nutritional habits for the long term, Prof. Dr. Mercanlıgil added that short term (shock) programs should not be followed.

Pointing out that during this process, incorrect slimming programs should be stayed away from, Mercanlıgil advised that diets that are published upon social media, newspapers, or within magazines, and that is not prepared personally for the individual, should not be followed.

Mercanlıgil shared that such incorrect slimming programs are based on low energy shock diets that generally provide weight loss in a short period of time, or tend to be diets that do not assist the individual in gaining the correct nutritional habits and are not balanced in terms of the foods to be consumed.

Highlighting that blood type diets, diets based on one type of food, carbohydrate-protein separation diets, high protein diets, the alkaline diet, the paleolithic diet, and fasting diets that are combined with acupuncture are unhealthy practices, Mercanlıgil noted that diuretic drugs that cause water loss from the body instead of real weight loss should be avoided, as well as drugs that claim to reduce your weight and have a number of side effects.

Informing that when it comes to providing a good example of incorrect nutrition programs, the Ketogenic diet is one that is commonly followed, Mercanlıgil continued, “The Ketogenic diet provides rapid weight loss, however, it usually results in a loss of lean body mass. Also, rapid weight losses tend to be quickly regained”.

Expressing that low energy diets lead to different ailments within the body, Mercanlıgil concluded, “There are some side effects such as headaches within the central nervous system, concentration disorder, nervousness, fatigue, cardiac arrhythmia in the cardiovascular system, hypotension, nausea within the gastrointestinal system, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, gallstones, menstrual irregularity within the genito-urinary system, and kidney stones, as well as other side effects such as an intolerance to the cold, dry skin, hair loss and thinning, and drowsiness”.