Arts and Sciences

Writing is the art of transforming life

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gürkan Gümüşatam, lecturer in the Department of Turkish Language and Literature of Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Cyprus International University (CIU) spoke within the scope of  November 1st World Writers' Day, and noted that writing is one of the most effective ways for an individual to express him/herself and enhance self-awareness. 

One must not only possess artistic ability in order to be able to write and create literary works of art but also have a wide array of knowledge and skills to achieve these. Gümüşatam also pointed out that it is necessary to be thoroughly knowledgeable in one’s mother tongue and have the ability to express oneself effectively. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gürkan Gümüşatam also pointed out that preliminary preparation and mental skills should be used in this complex process.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gümüşatam emphasized the importance of supporting the art of writing and creative writing processes, and added  that certain procedures and training are necessary in order to write beautifully and effectively.

Noting that writing is the art of transforming life, Gümüşatam added that before becoming a good writer, one must be a good reader.  A writer who knows the art-of-living can touch upon a reader's life while adding new meanings to life.

Gümüşatam stated that being able to transcend time, place and other boundaries is an innate talent and a lifelong process that will develop with the writer's sensitivity towards his environment, and added that the author's importance has emerged within cultural globalization.

Gümüşatam said that writers not only have a highly prestigious  career but they have also accomplished one of the most aesthetic ways of producing works of art. Gümüşatam mentioned the fact that the inner world of the writer can bring together all the contradictory emotions and can transform pain, anger and longing into an aesthetic body.

Gümüşatam stated that an author constantly develops and matures himself; and concluded by saying, “Writers who grew up reading Turkish Literature have made great contributions to Turkish Literature. It is one of the greatest sources of pride of the Turkish nation to have helped train many great writers from the beginning of Turkish literature to the present day.”