İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi

Telefon numarası +90 392 671 11 11
Dahili 2011
Ofis RO207
Diğer bilgiler

B.M. Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları

Erişilebilir ve Temiz Enerji
Sorumlu Üretim ve Tüketim
İklim Eylemi

Öz geçmiş

Öğrenim Durumu
  • Dokuz Eylul University Accounting and Finance (Doktora, 2018)
  • Eastern Mediterranean University Business Administration (Yüksek Lisans, 2013)
  • Eastern Mediterranean University Information Techonology (Lisans, 2011)

Uluslararası diğer hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler

  • Azimli, A. (2024). Is gold a safe haven for the US dollar during extreme conditions?. International Economics, 177, 100478. - 2024
  • Arkol, O., & Azimli, A. (2024). Pricing the common stocks in emerging markets: The role of economic policy uncertainty. Modern Finance, 2(1), 31-50. - 2024
  • Azimli, A. (2022), Economic policy uncertainty, COVID-19 and industry returns. Economics and Business Letters, 11(3), 107-117 - 2022

Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)

  • Özkan, O., Azimli, A., & Adebayo, T. S. (2024). The impact of conventional energy markets on connectedness dynamics among eco-friendly assets. Investment Analysts Journal, 1-22. - 2024
  • Azimli, A. (2024). Time-varying spillovers in high-order moments among cryptocurrencies. Financial Innovation, 10(1), 1-39. - 2024
  • Azimli, A. (2023). The impact of climate policy uncertainty on firm value: Does corporate social responsibility engagement matter? Finance Research Letter, 51, 103456 - 2023
  • Mandaci, P. E., Azimli, A., & Mandaci, N. (2023). The impact of geopolitical risks on connectedness among natural resource commodities: A quantile vector autoregressive approach. Resources Policy, 85, 103957. - 2023
  • Azimli, A., & Cek, K. (2023). Can sustainability performance mitigate the negative effect of policy uncertainty on the firm valuation?. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal. - 2023
  • Azimli, A. (2023). The impact of IFRS mandate and institutional governance on underpricing and aftermarket performance of IPO shares in Turkey. Financial Innovation, 9(1), 121. - 2023
  • Youssefi, I., Celik, T., & Azimli, A. (2022). Financial feasibility analysis for different retrofit strategies on an institutional building. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 52, 102342. - 2022
  • Mustafa, M., Azimli, A., & Sabir, A. (2022). The Role of Resource Consumption Accounting in Achieving Competitive Prices and Sustainable Profitability. Energies, 15(11), 4155. - 2022
  • Azimli, A. (2022), Economic policy uncertainty and industry portfolio returns in the United States. Investment Analysts Journal. 108-126, 51(2) - 2022
  • Azimli, A. (2022), Degree and structure of return dependence among commodities, energy stocks and international equity markets during the post-COVID-19 period. Resources Policy. 77, 102679. DOI: - 2022
  • Azimli, A. (2022), The impact of policy, political and economic uncertainty on corporate capital investment in the emerging markets of Eastern Europe and Turkey. Economic Systems - 2022
  • Azimli, A. (2020), The oil price risk and global stock returns, Energy, 198, 1-9. DOI: - 2020
  • Azimli, A. (2020), Pricing the common stocks in an emerging capital market: Comparison of the factor models, Borsa Istanbul Review, 20 (4), 334-346. - 2020
  • Azimli, A. (2020), The impact of COVID-19 on the degree of dependence and structure of risk-return relationship: A quantile regression approach, Finance Research Letters, 101648.​1016/​j.​frl.​2020.​101648 - 2020
  • Azimli, A. (2022), Oil price risk and the cross-section of stock returns in Turkey. International Journal of Finance and Economics. 1-18. - 2020
  • Azimli, A. (2019), Pricing the accrual effect in an emerging market, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 32(1), 2180-2194. DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2019.1645715). - 2019

Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler

  • Joof, F., Azimli, A. (2022). Impact of Political Uncertainties on the Dividend Policies of Nonfinancial Firms in Turkey. In: Özataç, N., Gökmenoğlu, K.K., Rustamov, B. (eds) New Dynamics in Banking and Finance. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. - 2022
  • Azimli, A. and Mandacı, P.E. (2017). Examining the relationship between the stock returns and earnings measures – Evidence from Borsa Istanbul. In: Özataç, N., Gökmenoglu, K. (eds) New Challenges in Banking and Finance. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (pp. 65-76). Springer, Cham. - 2017

Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler

  • Azimli, A., and Evrim Mandacı, P. (2017). Corporate investment and expected stock returns. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 18 (2), 299-315. DOI: 10.24889/ifede.346673 - 2018
Yönetilen Tezler

Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans Tezleri

  • The capital structure of Nigeria's real estate companies and financial performance. (Bobby Osawe)) - 2024
  • The impact of Geopolitical risk on capital structure. (Barthe K. Kiwele) - 2024
  • Cybersecurity in the Banking Industry (Ahmed M. Algurno) - 2024
  • The role of credit insurance in managing the risk of credit in commercial banks (Shanae Jebrouni) - 2023
  • Analysis of the effect of working capital management on the profitability of manufacturing firms ın Sierra Leone (Abdul S. Karama)) - 2023
  • The use of corporate social responsibility as a tool to improve the performance of automotive industries in Europe (Roberto N. Mokom) - 2023
  • The impact of tax compliance on the fınancıal performance of SMEs (Nelly Kavira) - 2023
  • The impact of IFRS on earnings management in Nigeria (Ilevbare David Samuel) - 2023
  • The impact of economic uncertainty on corporate investment in Africa (Toyin Oyewande) - 2023
  • The impact of behavioral bıases on cryptocurrency investment decisions: Evidence from the TRNC (Ahemed Rizvanoglu) - 2023
  • Inference of Credit Risk Management on Bank Performance: Evidence from Nigeria Banks. (Victor Ailenmoagbon) - 2023
  • Working capital management in small and medium sized businesses: Evidence from Sierra Leon (Unisa Koroma) - 2022
  • The impact of economic policy uncertainty on foreign direct investments in Nigeria (Divina Ashieya) - 2022
  • The impact of knowledge management on organizational performance: Evidence from Nigerian banking sector (Adams Oyedokun)) - 2022
  • The effect of financial inclusion on the profitability of small and medium-sized enterprises in Cameroon (Vernie Forchu) - 2022
  • The effect of mergers and acquisitions on bank efficiency and profitability in Switzerland (Maimuna Krubally) - 2021
  • An evaluation of the impact of liquidity risk management on commercial banks financial performance: A case study of Sierra Leone and Kenya commercial banks (Joseph Kanu) - 2021
  • An assessment of healthcare service failure and service recovery: The COVID-19 period and the impact and the impact on customer repurchase intentions (Loveline Ngum) - 2021
  • The impact of commercial bank credit on growth of small and medium sized enterprises in Camaroon (Christabel Ajenai)) - 2021
  • Interaction between stock returns, gold returns, and oil returns: The case of Morocco (Oussama Elqorachy) - 2021
  • The impact of performance audit and accountability in the public sector: A case study from Sierra Leone (Mohamed Mansaray) - 2021
  • The effect of corporate governance principles and practice on the performance of commercial banks in Nigeria (Elizabeth Bamidele) - 2021
  • Analysis of the profitability of commercial banks in Saudi Arabia (Muna Nagash) - 2021
  • The pass-through effect of global crude oil prices and exchange rate into inflation consumer price index for all items in Nigeria (Toritseweju Mene) - 2021
  • A research on the impact of fiancial innovation on agriculture in Turkey (Amin Mosaferi) - 2021
  • Effect of internal audit function on financial performance of commercial banks in Nigeria (Eniola Ajayi) - 2021
  • The effect of extra payment on motivation of health personnel in private health institutions in Cameroon (Lydia Nkongho) - 2021
  • Fear of COVID-19, psychological distress, job satisfaction and turnover intentions among frontline healthcare workers (Alberto Vuglose) - 2021
  • The impactof corporate governance on firm value: A case study of the banking sector in the UK (Chyavan Abdullah) - 2021
  • Factors influencing corporate capital structure decisions in Chinese firms (Solin Amedi) - 2020
  • The impact of firm size and profitability on audit fee: Evidence from Amman Stock Market (Abdelaziz Ibnian) - 2020
  • The determinants of the performance of the financial sector: Evidence from an emerging market (Arieba Srieka) - 2020
  • The nexus between electricity consumption, economic growth and environmental pollution: Evidence from Nigeria (Yerima Sati) - 2019

Yönetilen Doktora Tezleri

  • Challenges encountered in the Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning ERP in infrastructure contracting companies emphasis on business processes integration (Majed Fatfat)) - 2024
  • The Role of Resource Consumption Accounting in Achieving Competitive Prices and Profitability (A. Mewlood) - 2022
  • Yüksek Başarı Bursu (Doktora) (2015)
Çalışma Alanları
  • Asset pricing
  • modern portfolio theory
  • market efficiency
  • capital markets research in accounting
  • Accounting information and financial markets
  • valuation of new issues
İdari Görevler
  • Fakülte Koordinatörü (2020-2022)
  • AKTS komite üyesi (2021-DEVAM EDİYOR)
  • Faculty quality board member (2021-DEVAM EDİYOR)
  • CARBET - member of board (2021-DEVAM EDİYOR)
  • Muhasebe ve Finans Bölüm Başkanı (2023-DEVAM EDİYOR)
  • Akreditasyon ve Üniversite Sıralaması Rektörlük Koordinatörü (2023-DEVAM EDİYOR)