UKÜ Akademisyen Sertaç Sonan


İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi

Telefon numarası +90 392 671 11 11
Dahili 2222
Ofis CU228
Diğer bilgiler

Öz geçmiş

Öğrenim Durumu
  • Universitaet Duisburg-Essen Political Science (Doktora, 2014)
  • Eastern Mediterranean University International Relations (Yüksek Lisans, 2003)
  • Hacettepe University Economics (Lisans, 1999)

Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)

  • Marik Shtern, Sertac Sonan & Ourania Papasozomenou: City profile: Nicosia, Cities, Volume 130, 2022. - 2022
  • Enis Porat, Sertac Sonan & Omer Gokcekus (2022) Political Participation among Natives and Immigrants: Identity and Socio-economic Status within the Turkish Cypriot Electorate, South European Society and Politics. - 2022
  • Ahmet Sözen & Sertaç Sonan (2019) Yet Another Case of Electoral and Government Epidemic? The Turkish Cypriot Legislative Election of January 2018, South European Society and Politics, 24:1, 129-154 - 2019
  • Omer Gokcekus & Sertac Sonan (2017) Political contributions and corruption in the United States, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 20:4, 360-372 - 2017
  • Gregoris Ioannou & Sertac Sonan (2017) Trade unions and politics in Cyprus: a historical comparative analysis across the dividing line, Mediterranean Politics, 22:4, 484-503 - 2017

Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler

  • Ioannou, G. and Sonan, S. (2019) Cyprus: a divided island – state with diverging collective bargaining patterns, weakened yet still standing. In: Waddington, J., Muller, T. and Vandaele, K. (eds.) Collective Bargaining Institutions and Process in Europe. ETUI: Brussels. - 2019
  • Vural, Y., Sonan, S., & Michael, M. S. (2018). "The Turkish Cypriot dilemma: between Ankara and Lefkosia". In Cyprus and the Roadmap for Peace. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing - 2018

Uluslararası diğer hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler

  • 'Have the Stars Finally Aligned for the Solution of the Cyprus Problem? A Brief Overview of the First Six Months of Ongoing Negotiations,' Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, 6:2015, pp 34-45. - 2015

Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler

  • 'Politically Motivated Migration: The Case of Turkish Migration to Northern Cyprus' in Turkish Migration Conference 2015 Selected Proceedings (Eds.) G. Seker et. al. Transnational Press London, pp. 83-97 (co-authored with Yucel Vural and Basak Ekenoglu). - 2015
  • Powering divided cities: urban energy systems between separation and cooperation (DiviCiti) (three-year research project (2020-2023) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the Middle East Collaboration funding scheme)
İdari Görevler
  • Kıbrıs ve Akdeniz Çalışmaları Merkezi (Direktör) (2017-DEVAM EDİYOR)
  • Bölüm Başkanı (Uluslararası İlişkiler) (2023-DEVAM EDİYOR)