Faculty of Engineering


Duration 4 Years
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About the Program

Bioengineering has developed in the last thirty-five years as a result of the rapid progress in molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology, cell metabolism, basic engineering, and materials science. It has emerged as a new branch of science, used where biological techniques and engineering principles are applied to living systems and their problems. Bioengineers have a major role in biological innovations from decoding the source of life to synthesizing cells. Graduates of this program earn the title of bioengineers.

The Bioengineering Undergraduate Program aims to develop new technologies by using biological systems and processes. Students need to grasp the guiding principles of engineering and learn to examine biological mechanisms and facts from an engineers’ perspective, which they gain through internships. By following the postgraduate course assigned to each student in their fourth year, our students are able to reinforce their knowledge and take part in research, where they will be able to find solutions to current problems.

Education Opportunities

The Bioengineering Undergraduate Program aims to develop new technologies by benefiting from biological systems and processes. Throughout the four years of study, an association is created between major and applied sciences, by students taking major science courses such as physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, materials science and major engineering courses such as thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer, fluid mechanics, genetics, molecular biology, metabolism, cell physiology and biochemistry, bioprocess engineering, neurobiology, and immunology.

Most of the courses which form the four-year-curriculum have both tutorial hours and laboratory practices. At the end of the second and third years of education, students have mandatory summer training, getting the chance to put theoretical knowledge into practice.

biyomedikal mühendisliği lisans

Career Areas

Some of the careers available to the graduates of the program Bioengineering include genetic analysis, cytological biological toxicity tests, biological production processes, suitable reactor and separation/purification equipment selection and design, development and production of biological material testing, and production of diagnostic kits. People who complete the Bioengineering Undergraduate Program will be able to enjoy job opportunities in a wide range of industrial sectors including the pharmaceutical sector and the environment sector, in hospitals and clinics, and institutions with legal obligations, such as Hifsi Sihha and the TSE. Careers are also possible in the areas of genetic diagnosis and treatment centers, vaccine production facilities, military institutions, research and development departments of different food product and beverage companies, as well as factories producing energy sources, drugs, biochemical materials like enzymes and biopolymers for the production of biologically compatible products. The significance of bioengineers has been increasing recently, allowing us to talk about countries’ bio-economies as well.


Faculty of Engineering
Science and Technology Center, ST 226
Tel: +90 392 671 1111 Extension: 2401
Faculty E-mail: secretary-fe@ciu.edu.tr
Head of Department: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nahit RIZANER
Head of Department E-mail: nrizaner@ciu.edu.tr