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B.M. Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları
Öz geçmiş
Öğrenim Durumu
- Easter Mediterranean University, Famagusta Civil Engineering (Doktora, 2016)
- Sciences and Researches University, Tehran Civil Engineering (Yüksek Lisans, 2009)
- Azad University, Tehran Center Civil Engineering (Lisans, 2005)
Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Salim, M. U., & Mosaberpanah, M. A. (2021). The mechanism of alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete/mortar and its mitigation by using geopolymer materials and mineral admixtures: a comprehensive review. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 1-41. - 2021
- Danish, A., & Mosaberpanah, M. A. (2021). A review on recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) characteristics to promote RCA utilization in developing sustainable recycled aggregate concrete (RAC). European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 1-35. - 2021
- Salim, M. U., & Mosaberpanah, M. A. (2021). Mechanical and durability properties of high-performance mortar containing binary mixes of cenosphere and waste glass powder under different curing regimes. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 13, 602-617. - 2021
- Danish, A., & Mosaberpanah, M. A. (2021). Influence of cenospheres and fly ash on the mechanical and durability properties of high-performance cement mortar under different curing regimes. Construction and Building Materials, 279, 122458. - 2021
- Danish, A., & Mosaberpanah, M. A. Formation mechanism and applications of cenospheres: a review. Journal of Materials Science, 1-19. - 2020
- Fediuk, R., Mosaberpanah, M., Lesovik, V., & Baranov, A. (2020). Link of Self-Compacting Fiber Concrete Behaviors to Composite Binders and Superplasticizer. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 18(3), 67-82 - 2020
- Fediuk, R., Mosaberpanah, M. A., & Lesovik, V. (2020). Development of fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete (FRSCC): Towards an efficient utilization of quaternary composite binders and fibers. Advances in Concrete Construction, 9(4), 387. - 2020
- Danish, A., Mosaberpanah, M. A., & Salim, M. U. (2020). Past and present techniques of self-healing in cementitious materials: A critical review on efficiency of implemented treatments. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. - 2020
- Danish, A., Mosaberpanah, M. A., & Salim, M. U. (2020). Robust evaluation of superabsorbent polymers as an internal curing agent in cementitious composites. Journal of Materials Science, 1-37. - 2020
- Fediuk, R., Mugahed Amran, Y. H., Mosaberpanah, M. A., Danish, A., El-Zeadani, M., Klyuev, S. V., & Vatin, N. (2020). A Critical Review on the Properties and Applications of Sulfur-Based Concrete. Materials, 13(21), 4712. - 2020
- Saheed, S., Abd Aziz, F. N., Amran, M., Vatin, N., Fediuk, R., Ozbakkaloglu, T., ... & Mosaberpanah, M. A. (2020). Structural Performance of Shear Loaded Precast EPS-Foam Concrete Half-Shaped Slabs. Sustainability, 12(22), 9679. - 2020
- Mosaberpanah, M. A., Amran, Y. H., & Akoush, A. (2020). Performance investigation of palm kernel shell ash in high strength concrete production. Computers and Concrete, 26(6), 577-585. - 2020
- Mosaberpanah, M. A. (2019). Utilizing Rice Husk Ash as Supplement to Cementitious Materials on Performance of Ultra High Performance Concrete–A review. Materials Today Sustainability, 100030. - 2019
- Mohammad A. Mosaberpanah, Ozgur Eren, Amir R. Tarassoly (2018). The effect of nano-silica and waste glass powder on mechanical, rheological, and shrinkage properties of UHPC using response surface methodology, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2018.06.011. - 2018
- Mosaberpanah, M. A. and Eren, O. (2017) Statistical models for mechanical properties of UHPC using response surface methodology. Computers and concrete, international journal. - 2017
- Mosaberpanah, M. A. and Eren, O. (2017) Effect of Quartz Powder, Quartz Sand and Curing on Mechanical Properties of Ultra High Performance Concrete using Response surface modelling. Advances in Concrete Construction Journal. - 2017
- Mosaberpanah, M. A. and Eren, O. (2016) Statistical Flexural toughness modeling of Ultra High Performance Concrete using response surface. Computers and concrete, international journal. - 2016
- Mosaberpanah, M. A. and Eren, O. (2016) CO2-Full Factorial Optimization of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Mix Design. European Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering. - 2016
- Fly ash as a partial SCM replacement to cement: clean production, properties and utilizations (Under review).
- Effect of additives on CO2 uptake of cement-based materials and its role on global warming mitigation: A critical review (Under review).
- Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Toward New Concept of Sustainable Pavement Management System Development (Under revision)
Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
- Danish, A., Mosaberpanah, M. A., Salim, M. U., Ahmad, N., Ahmad, F., & Ahmad, A. (2021). Reusing biochar as a filler or cement replacement material in cementitious composites: A review. Construction and Building Materials, 300, 124295. - 2021
- Danish, A., Mosaberpanah, M. A., Salim, M. U., Fediuk, R., Rashid, M. F., & Waqas, R. M. (2021). Reusing marble and granite dust as cement replacement in cementitious composites: a review on sustainability benefits and critical challenges. Journal of Building Engineering, 102600. - 2021
- Fediuk, R., Klyuev, S. V., Olisov, A. V., Taskin, A., & Mosaberpanah, M. A. (2021). Effect of Ash-Slag Mix and Polypropylene Fiber on the Performances of Concrete Composite. In Materials Science Forum (Vol. 1017, pp. 1-10). Trans Tech Publications Ltd. - 2021
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
- Mosaberpanah, M. A., & Eren, O. (2019) Effect of different ingredients of ultra high performance concrete on modulus of elasticity using response surface modelling. Proceeding publication of 25th Concrete Days, Czech - 2019
- Mosaberpanah, M. A., & Eren, O. (2016). Relationship between 28-days Compressive Strength and Compression Toughness Factor of Ultra High Performance Concrete Using Design of Experiments. Procedia Engineering, 145, 1565-1571. - 2016
- Mosaberpanah, M. A. and Eren, O. (2015) Effect of Density on compressive strength of Ultra High Performance fiber reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) using design of experiment. Proceeding publication of 22nd Concrete Days 2015, Czech - 2015
- Mosaberpanah, M. A. and Khales, S. (2012) The Role of Transportation in Sustainable Development. ICSDEC 2012: pp. 441-448. doi: 10.1061/9780784412688.053 - 2012
Uluslararası diğer hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
- Aghayan, I., Mohammadian Nameghi, I., Behzadian, R., & Mosaberpanah, M. A. (2019). Investigating the Effect of Using Cross-Linked Polyethylene Waste as Fine Aggregate on Mechanical Properties of Hot Mix Asphalt. International Journal of Transportation Engineering. - 2019
- Ebrahimi, P. R., Alizadehsalehi, S., & Mosaberpanah, M. A. (2019). Interactions of Sustainability and BIM in Support of Existing Buildings. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. - 2019
- Sahraiyanjahromi, F., & Mosaberpanah, M. (2018, February 10). SURVEY OF SUSTAINABLE CRITERIA ON BUILDING DESIGN. Sustainable Structure and Material, An International Journal, 1(1), 30-36. - 2018
- Rustam Hafizyar and Mohammad A. Mosaberpanah. (2018) Evaluation of Flexible Road Pavement Condition Index and Lifecycle Cost Analysis of Pavement Maintenance: A Case Study in Kabul Afghanistan. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 9(8):1909 - 2018
Yönetilen Tezler
Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans Tezleri
- 9. AAMAR DANISH (2020). High-Performance Mortar Using Fly ash and Cenosphere Under Different Curing Regimes. - 2020
- 10. MUHAMMAD USAMA SALIM (2020). High-Performance Mortar Using Waste Glass Powder and Cenosphere Under Different Curing Regimes. - 2020
- 11. CHIGOZIRIM GOODNEWS (2020). Neural Network Classification of Asphalt Pavement Defects. - 2020
- 12. ADAN AHMED HASSAN (2020). Road Traffic Accidents and it’s impacts on Economic growth in Mogadishu - 2020
- 13. HEERSH OMAR FARAJ (2020). Analysis and Use of Recycled Waste Rubber Tire and Quarry Dust for Concrete Production - 2020
- 6. ABDULLAH SULTAN (2019). Administrative Problems of Asphalt Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitations: A Case Study in Tripoli City of Libya - 2019
- 7. YUSUF HUSSEIN (2019). Causes and Effects of Traffic Congestion in Mogadishu, Somalia (Project Base). - 2019
- 8. MOHAMMAD ALTARAWNEH (2019). Multi Criteria Decision-Making toward Sustainable Pavement Management System Development. - 2019
- 4. ALI MINNAH (2018). Effect of Waste Glass Powder on Properties of Concrete. - 2018
- 5. AHMED ABDULLAH (2018). Micro-Paver Application for Evaluating Erbil Roads toward Pavement Management System. - 2018
- 1. ALA ALDEN YUONES (2017). Evaluation of Flexible Road Pavement Condition Index and Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Pavement: A Case Study in Libya. - 2017
- 2. SADIQ A.UMAR (2017). Utilizing Rice Husk Ash as Supplement to Cementitious Materials on Performance of Ultra High Performance Concrete – A review (Project Base). - 2017
- 3. ABDELRHMAN AKOUSH (2017). The Effect of Palm Fiber and Palm Kernel Ash on Concrete Properties - 2017
- Investigation on self-healing cracks in HPC using different mineral agents
- Study on crack of self-healing concrete under different seawater conditions
- Auto Pavement Crack Detection using Image Processing
Çalışma Alanları
- Construction Materials
- Transportation Engineering