Featured news Miscellaneous 14 December 2024 CIU ranked 64th in the World most sustainable university rankings CIU achieved great success by ranking 64th among 1477 universities in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings. CIU also...
Featured news Miscellaneous 25 November 2024 CIU ranks 141st in Interdisciplinary Science Rankings in the world According to the THE ISR 2025 data, which aims to evaluate and measure the contributions of universities around the world to...
Featured news Miscellaneous 9 October 2024 CIU ranked in THE World University Rankings The UK-based THE, which publishes the list of the world's best universities every year, announced the university rankings for...
Campus 7 May 2020 CIU implements Flexible Grading System The Senate of CIU decided to implement the “Flexible Grading System (FGS)” in addition to the existing letter grade system to...
Campus 6 May 2020 Does the pandemic cause a significant change in public authority? Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ercan Gündoğan, faculty member from the Department of Political Science and International Relations at CIU...
Campus 3 May 2020 Rules to be followed in terms of drug use in the treatment of diseases Osman Özdemir, Professor of Pharmacology from the Faculty of Pharmacy at CIU reminded that there has not been any medicine or...
Campus 1 May 2020 A free of charge education service for TRNC citizens continuing higher education abroad CIU is starting to offer services to university students studying abroad, unable to attend classes in the country where they...
Campus 30 April 2020 Increase in electronic library services during the pandemic The number of electronic books, academic e-journals, full-text articles, statistical data, conference papers, theses, reports...
Campus 29 April 2020 Managing your lifestyle during COVID-19 Huriye Koruşan, expert psychologist from the Psychological Counseling and Guidance Centre of CIU stated that everyone faces a...
Campus 28 April 2020 Covid-19 precautions in hemodialysis patients Dr. İpek Nurdan Dikmen, responsible for the Dialysis Technician Associate Program at the Faculty of Health Sciences at CIU...
Campus 27 April 2020 How to keep the immune system strong Prof. Dr. Güldal Mehmetçik, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at CIU, mentioned that it is important to strengthen the...
Campus 26 April 2020 Recreation in the social isolation process Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Selman Özdemir, program specialist from the School of Physical Education and Sports at CIU, expressed...