İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
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+90 392 671 11 11
Diğer bilgiler
B.M. Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları
Öz geçmiş
Öğrenim Durumu
- Eastern Mediterranean University Economics (Doktora, 2015)
- Eastern Mediterranean University Banking and Finance (Yüksek Lisans, 2009)
- Eastern Mediterranean University Banking and Finance (Lisans, 2007)
Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- The Moderating Effect of Economic Policy Uncertainty on the Relationship Between Working Capital Management and Profitability: Evidence from UK Non-Financial Firms. SAGE Open 14 (2) - 2024
- Sound Corporate Governance and Financial Performance: Is There a Link? Evidence from Manufacturing Companies in South Africa, Nigeria, and Ghana. Sustainability 15 (12), 9263 - 2023
- The relationship between the relative GDP share of agriculture and the unemployment rate in selected Central and 1stern European countries (with Ciftcioglu .S) Agricultural Economics (Zem'd'lská ekonomika). SSCI journal forthcoming 2017 - 2017
- Volatility Transmission and Dynamic Correlation Analysis between developed and emerging European stock markets during sovereign debt crisis Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting (RJEF) ) 18(2), 61-80. 2015 (with Tuna G) Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) journal - 2015
Uluslararası diğer hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
- The Impact of Corporate Governance on Financial Decision-making: Evidence from Non-financial Institutions in the Australian Stock Exchange.Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance - 2024
- Mediation Role of Organisational Supportive Culture in the Relationship Between Human Resources Management Practices and Patient Satisfaction: A Case Study of Rizgary Teaching and Referral Hospital in Erbil-Iraq. Journal of Health Management - 2023
- Renewable energy, economic globalization and foreign direct investment linkage for sustainable development in the E7 economies: revisiting the pollution haven hypothesis.Journal International Social Science Journal - 2022
- Unlocking the investment impact of biomass energy utilization on environmental degradation for an isolated island. International Journal of Energy Sector Management - 2022
- Assessment of environmental implications of energy consumption towards sustainable development in G7 countries. OPEC Energy Review - 2021
- The moderating role of employment in an environmental Kuznets curve framework revisited in G7 countries. Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accounting and Management - 2020
- 4. Macroeconomic Performance, Stability and Sectoral Composition of Output Before and After AKP over the Post-Liberalization Era. (with Ciftcioglu.S ) journal of International Business and Economics forthcoming VOL 4, NO1, 2016. I - 2016
- 1. Microfinancing for Poverty Reduction and Economic Development; a Case for Nigeria, International Research Journal of Finance And Economics, V 1450-2887, No: 72, 159-168. 2011 (with Awojobi.O). Indexed by EBSCO, ProQuest ABI/INFORM, SSRN, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, Ulrich, and SHERPA/RoMEO. - 2011
Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler
- Bitcoin's Reaction to the Federal Reserve's Announcements and Stimulus Measures, the Equity Market, and Economic Policy Uncertainty Evidence during the COVID-19 Pandemic. - 2024
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
- Are the Dynamic Financial Linkages Different for the BRIC-Turkey than Developed European Markets? Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis 16th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) CONFERENCE ' ISTANBUL CONFERENCE PROGRAM MAY 27-29, 2015 co-authored (with Tuna G) - 2015
- Eurozone crisis and the Turkish stock market: contagion or market interdependence? 35TH ANNUAL Middle East Economic Association MEEA BOSTON, JANUARY 3-6, 2015 co-authored (with Tuna G) - 2015
- The Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on BRIC- Turkey and the Developed Stock Markets' Dynamic Interrelationships 13th International Conference of MEEA Managing the MENA transitional economies 31st May- 1st June 2014 ' Tlemcen, Algeria co-authored (with Tuna G ) - 2014
Yönetilen Tezler
Yönetilen Doktora Tezleri
- Spillover effects of Recent Financial Crisis to Emerging markets vs EU developed markets
Çalışma Alanları
- borsalar
- finansal gelişme
- Uluslararası Finans / Ticaret
- Sağlık Ekonomisi
- Enerji Ekonomisi